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Gilled Copper Amitābha Nine Headed Mahākāla Three Makara Phurba Dharma Protector, Tibet

銅鎏金阿彌陀佛九頭大黑天三摩羯金剛橛護法, 西藏

Estimate Period, 估計年代

14th - 15th Century, 14 - 15世紀

Height, 高度 (cm/ inch)

61 cm, 24.0 inch

Weight, 重量 (gram, g)

4535.9 公克 (g)

Item Code, 藏品代碼


In Sanskrit, it is called Kīla, in Tibetan, it is called Phurba; created originally as a weapon in ancient India, it was adopted by Vajrayana Buddhism (密宗) as the primary ritual utensil in esoteric mediation and ritual practices. The three-sided ritual dagger symbolises the irreversible power of the mantra “Om”. During Buddhist purification ceremonies, the ritual dagger is set at all four corners in an established protective circle around a Mandela; the lamas and mediums (Lha-mo in Tibetan) would hold the Vajra prong and certain ‘dances’ are performed to remove all forces of evil and cleanse the monastery. Mahākāla is regarded as the God of War in ancient India; however, it is often recognised as the sacred Dharmapāla ("Protector of the Dharma") in Tantric Buddhism. A wrathful deity, with three round glaring eyes, fierce in appearance, hairs flaming upward like orange fire, a crown of five skulls, rolling tongue with an open red mouth and bared fangs; the fearsome god can wage war without any mercy against demons and enemies of Buddhism. ---------------------- The Mahākāla Phurba demonstrates exceptional craftsmanship, and uniqueness; a work of art with outstanding aesthetic quality. The wrathful Phurba is divided into seven layers, the top (1 layer) consists of Amitābha (阿彌陀佛), and the midsection is divided into three layers (3 layers) with each layer consisting of three Mahākāla Heads (黑天頭像), totaling of nine heads. Followed by a lotus ball with a delicate petals design (1 layer), below consists of three large Makara Heads (巨大摩羯魚) (1 layer) with each head bite on a green tree viper. The last layer (1 layer) consists of a triple blade with sharp edges. An exceptionally rare ritual dagger, forge in the highest level of craftsmanship with the finest of details accompanied by piercing wrathful energy, a masterpiece among Phurba works of art.

金剛橛原是古印度的一種兵器,後來佛教吸收為密宗的專用法器。 金剛橛法器每當佛教祭祀時,在壇城四角位置插上金剛橛以鎮懾魔障,高僧手持金剛橛降魔法器刺殺十方魔障,可作淨化壇場和寺廟降魔之用。 大黑天是古印度視為軍神或戰神,是密宗佛教護法神之首。大黑天多逞凶相,三目圓睜,盆怒狀態,紅色鬃髮豎立向上燒,頭戴骷髏骨五冠帽,獠牙外露,血口大張,猙獰捲舌,阻嚇法仇怨敵,達到對外敵,極具懾力,隨時護法。 「禪藏」大黑天金剛橛造形奇特,工藝精堪,是一件藝術性極高的作品。作品分七層構成,頂上佛頭(阿彌陀佛) ,下為大黑天頭像分三層,每層三個頭像,共九個大黑天頭像。下為蓮花球,花瓣精美,球下三條巨大摩羯魚,每條口咬大青蛇。後為鋒利無比的大三角尖刀。整件作品工序極為複雜,製作難度高,優質金剛橛產品存世不多,罕見稀有,彌足珍貴。

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