Shi Dabin, Wanli – Soto Asian Art | 禪藏
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Shi Dabin, Yixing clay teapot,Wanli period, Ming dynasty

時大彬三足圓紫砂壼, 明代萬曆年

Estimate Period, 估計年代

16th Century,16世紀

Height, 高度 (cm/ inch)

11.0 cm, 4.3 inch

Circular diameter, 圓徑 (cm/ inch)

12 cm, 4.7 inch

Nose to Handle, 嘴至手耳距 (cm/ inch)

17.5 cm, 6.89 inch

Item Code, 藏品代碼


Yixing teaware by Shi Dabin (時大彬), originate in the county-level in Yixing (宜興市) during the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty (1573 – 1619) in the southern province of China; the city famous for its traditional Yixing clay ware. Only a finite number of Shi Dabin works are displayed in museums and private institutions around the world, which includes The MET, British Museum, and Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware.

Zhengde period of the Ming dynasty (1506 – 1521) is the period recognised in Chinese references as the beginning of Yixing ware. The teapots commonly attributed to this era are made in the naturalistic style, resembling the burl of a tree. Rustic and irregular in shape, the body of the piece, including the spout and handle, is pinched out from a single lump of clay. This type of teapot is attributed to Gong Chun (供春), who lived during the Zhengde period; he is considered as the first and foremost master in Yixing teaware, with Shi Dabin (時大彬) as his only disciple. Gong Chun learned the art of making teapots by surreptitiously watching a monk of the Jinsha temple; these two are the earliest Yixing potters known to us.


按時大彬為供春的入室高徒,盡得其傳,他的父親就是“四大家” 中的 時朋。大彬製壼,不務妍媚,幽雅悅目。壼藝風格適應了明代士大夫階層所追求淡雅超俗的 審美情趣。大彬初期多製作大壼。之後聆聽著名學者陳繼儒品茗茶的高論後豁然開竅。 便根據當時的人飲茶風尚,改為製作小而扁的壼。時大彬茗壼,小巧玲瓏, 古樸雅拙,令觀賞者感到 “妙不可思”,對他發出觀止之嘆。

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